“I am not a horse trainer.
Yes, I raised or rehabilitated all of my own horses to be safe and kind citizens of the ranch regardless of their job, but through creating a relationship that serves us both. I’m not a people trainer either. Yes, I am an equestrian, a yoga teacher, an educator, and an equine-assisted counselor, but the student/client must be committed to becoming their own trainer and healer or any intervention is of no use.
It is the client, equine or human, who finds their way to Medicine Horse Ranch that gets to be the artist, to seek and find the expression of their authentic selves and create what they are needing most, authenticity. I can only help them know where to look and offer a new lens to see through. The interactions among the herd and I, and between client and horse, provide the safety to release what no longer serves them and to move forward unburdened. And in this space of discovery and security the nature of the horse, and of the artist, are revealed. I am not a trainer. I am the witness to what love can do when we are brave enough to be vulnerable.”
My Healing Herd
My herd consists of ten horses of different breeds and with various stories. The horses have extensive experience working with people and, in spite of the countless hours I have spent observing, their interactions with clients and students, I am always surprised by what they have to share. The horses mirror the client and they work with what the people bring to the interaction, therefore, the experience in the arena will be personally meaningful to you.